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The World and my Oc's

Get to know more about the world and my oc's

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Carly Q

Carly Anne Walter Hamato is a young girl with Progeria part of the fictional SBSK community she is very kind and happy to be the energetic ball of energy her cousin, Aggie loves.

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Charlie is the main antagonist of Proteus(ask Joselyn about it) he is a shape shifting mutant shark monster who is homosexual. He also loves to play with makeup.

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Madame Hagfish
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Madame Hagfish is a voodoo gypsie woman who is famous around Florin and next to the Mysterious Beyond she transforms people into things by request or surprise. She is nice to people who are nice to her and rude to one's who aren't.

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A 16 year old orphan Aggie is a cursed teenage boy who had made peace with it long ago from Japan he is of Scottish, Irish, Florish, and royal blood etc he is married to his sister Miwa and has a huge family tree he even had the opportunity to meet the author of an ancient folk tale The Princess Bride S. Morgenstern a native of Florin. He is the protagonist of Strange Magic.

Aggie's Social Links

Charlie's social links

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Unnamed Griffin

He was human once he had a name once he had a master once now he lives alone near Dreary Swamp(Omashu) his master(Ruber) died a mysterious death no one knows how or why he died Aggie calls him Raemar

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A bully becoming a hero? uh sure if Dominic can get used to being friendly to others and maybe saving a life once in a while maybe try something a little different.

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Born with baggy eyes and sharp teeth Termy isn't very nice when it comes to being "that creepy kid" he is constantly rude and disrespectful finally having enough, he just moved out of his home to live in the jungle but after becoming a Terminonator plesiosaur due to an ancient dart injection he practices water ballet and looks for anyone attempting to swim so he can have a feast or he spends his day being rude.

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Oakes Fegley is a feral child raised by a white dragon name Mala and a large group dragons in the forests of Scotland also born with dragon blood able to shapeshift to protect others when he needs to.


Miwa(slash Karai) she is the sister and wife of Aggie after getting mutated into a serpent with 3 heads she is feral and protective she has slow aging and can shift into her half form but after losing her mind she becomes scared and bids farewell to her brother and The Others and she retreats to the sewers to better understand her mutation she is 16 and voiced by Kelly Hu 


Mah child(all mah children) Rinkus boyo he is my boi who is a Ramphorinkus and speaks in a deep Cockney accent(which is British halo) don't know much about him yet still thinking about it

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Mah boi Jackie an antagonist and scientist working at JW part of Ingen he injected himself with an Indominus Serum and became the hybrid

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An oc ship a  half Frilled Shark band member and a constantly growing  dragon boy are both homosexual.


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Born with the Indominus gene in his DNA which sometimes causes facial deformities to most kids and gives them a"bald stinky gross boy" like feel to them it only happens to boys the known people are Jess(who has two genders,) Jojo, and Caige  Jojo lives a life without parents after they died they became clones and now he lives a peaceful life being an Indominus Rex.

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18 year old King Lud wants to become a beauty queen(literally) so he drinks a potion to become beautiful but the potion wasn't a beauty potion  it was a dragon potion as he sings his song dragon parts pop out he looks just like dragon Ludmilla he is homosexual.

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Dre(Adrelian) is a dragon and croco goat he is part of a series Lunatics Unleashed he first is seen in "The World is my circus" he is eleven years old.

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